What do you see in this picture? Are you really conscious of what you see? I see a cute chubby kid with McDonald’s shirt on who seems to eat too much there, but at the other end I see a malnourished toddler, apparently where he lives there is no McDonald’s where he can enjoy a delicious hamburger. Capitalism is creating these inequalities with globalization apparently think we are improving, but are this really true?.
Many people see capitalism as an economic system led to progress. But, what is the reality of capitalism? Is it that it creates social pedestals where the rich oppress the poor? Or where the poor become rich? What you see around you? What happens? Who are the owners of the world? They are the rich, not poor. The poor are working in a fast food restaurant earning $ 7.25 an hour, however, in an hour sell more than $ 7.25. Have not you thought of this?
When you buy something and you read that was made in China, What do you think? Ah, was made in a factory. But what if I told you it was created by children. Toys created by children for children, toys with which they can not play. This is the other face of capitalism, globalization.
"Mc Donald's or Mc dollar? What do you think?